Let’s big up the best

We believe that installers don’t get enough credit for the work they do. You work in all weathers, swiftly and with skill. You’re qualified, diligent, responsible and brilliant at problem solving. You make people’s homes warmer, safer, more secure and weatherproof. You transform the look and feel of all sizes of property, from the humblest to the grandest.

Actors have the Oscars. Musicians have the Brits. But what thanks do you get? A pat on the back, a good review, a recommendation?

The glazing industry has its big annual awards, of course, but we feel you deserve something more immediate and closer to home. That’s why we’re launching a new monthly competition for the best installation completed using LTF products. Big Up the Best is about giving you the kudos, the recognition and the buzz of knowing your work is outstanding. Send us your before and after shots to joanna@lancstrade.co.uk and we’ll make sure everyone knows you’re a star.